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USA Archery JOAD

What is JOAD?

Junior Olympic Archery Development (JOAD) is a program developed to introduce archery to young people between the age of 8 and 20. Archers will be able to compete in four age divisions to group them with shooters of the same skill level and capabilities. JOAD clubs provide a USA Archery certified coach as well as regular meeting times for practice and coaching. JOAD clubs also provide basic equipment needed to practice. Individual setups are encouraged as they will perform better for each individual shooter. 

Divisions are as follows:
“U13” through the calendar year of their 12th birthday.
“U15” through the calendar year of their 14th birthday.
“U18” through the calendar year of their 17th birthday.
“U21” through the calendar year of their 20th birthday.

Achievement Pin Program

The USA Archery JOAD program has an achievement pin program to help encourage young archers to always take the next step. The program is broken into scoring steps and combines indoor and outdoor distances to allow the archer to work year round at obtaining the next level pin. Click below to learn the requirements behind each level pin.

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